SRF Materials & Research Department

Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Materials & Research Department operates state-of-the-art SRF processing and testing facilities and supports RF technology thrust. This is to improve understanding of phenomena that limits the performance of SRF cavities and to develop novel surface treatments towards high quality factors and high accelerating gradients. SRF Materials & Research Department provides the full cycle of SRF cavity processing from the first chemistry through cryogenic measurements in vertical dewars at Vertical Cavity Testing Facility. The department is staffed with world-class scientists, engineers, and technicians. The staff conducts a wide range of R&D activities focused on SRF technology which includes niobium material research, SRF cavity processing and surface inspection, and development of advanced surface processes and novel SRF materials. The SRF Materials & Research Department works closely with SRF Systems Department and collaborates with multiple partners to achieve the goal of delivering SRF cavities and cryomodules to key projects.

  • A 650 MHz 5 cell cavity on the inspection test stand.